A downloadable mcmod

this is a mc mod put in comments if you have any bugs i will fix it

-the emerald pickaxe was just a test.-

need forge? 1.12.2 go to this website! http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.12.2.html

need minecraft java? go here! https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/


NEW!!! Ore Shooter Crafting Recipe (EMEREALD PICKAXE SPECAIL EDITON (DESIGN COMEING SOON!! A Mod FUll Of Sapphire(1.12.2 FORGE)1.6.7.jar 192 kB

Install instructions

its forge only and its only for 1.12.2 here is the instructions just download the jar file put it into your mods folder then start it and your done! (tell me if theres any bugs in the comments)


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